

最後更新日期 : 2024-05-13




  1. 台端授課時間及教室查詢,系統路徑:校園入口網( http://portal.mcut.edu.tw ) →「應用系統」 → 「教職員資訊查詢系統」→「教務資料查詢」→「授課時間表」。
  2. 週六上課時間如下:
  3. 教學進度表填報,系統路徑:校園入口網 →「應用系統」 → 「教職員資訊查詢系統」→「教務資料查詢」→「教學進度表(New)」。請於5月20日(週一)前上網填妥教學進度表。


  1. 通識課程,每週兩倍時數授課,上課時間:週一、週二第9~12節。
  2. 專業必修課程重修班、專業選修課程,每週兩倍時數授課,上課時間:週五、週六第1~8節。




  1. 期中考請任課老師自行擇日舉行,非考試時段仍照常上課。
  2. 期末考週: 113年7月29日~8月3日,請任課老師於最後一次上課舉行。
  3. 未舉行考試而以報告方式評核學生成績之課程,仍須於考試期間正常上課。


※ 請任課老師於6月11日(週二)加退選截止後,上網查詢學生名單及下載成績登記表;若課表所規定之上課時間或地點有異動,請按規定至「教務系統」登錄,系統路徑:校園入口網 →「應用系統」 → 「教務系統」

All Night Program Instructors of the Office of Continuing and Extension Education

I.Information Inquiry:

  1. To inquire about teaching times and classroom locations, please navigate: MCUT portal (http://portal.mcut.edu.tw) → Application → Faculty Information Inquiry System → Academic Affairs → Class Schedule
  2. 2.Saturday class schedule is as follows:
  3. 3.To fill in your syllabus, please navigate: MCUT portal → Application → Faculty Information Inquiry System → Academic Affairs → Teaching Schedule (New).

II.Courses Offered:

  1. 1.General education courses will be taught twice the regular weekly hours on Mondays and Tuesdays, during periods 9 to 12.
  2. 2.Compulsory professional courses for repeaters and elective professional courses will also be taught twice the regular weekly hours on Fridays and Saturdays, during periods 1 to 8.

Note: The deadline for students to add or drop courses is at 15:00 on June 10th (Monday).Faculty payment will be calculated based on the actual teaching hours.

III.Teaching Period:

From June 3 (Monday) to August 3 (Saturday), 2024.


  1. Midterm exams should be scheduled by the instructors on a chosen date; classes will continue as usual during non-exam periods.
  2. Final exam week: From July 29, 113th Year to August 3, 2024. Instructors are requested to conduct exams during the last class session.
  3. For courses assessed through reports instead of exams, classes must still meet as scheduled during the exam period.

V.Grade Submission:

Grades must be entered online by August 8 (Thursday).
Note: Instructors should check the student roster and download the grade registration form online after the add/drop deadline on June 11 (Tuesday). If there are any changes in the scheduled class
times or locations, please update the information as required in the "Academic Affairs System". Navigation: MCUT portal → Application → Academic Affairs System .
