問題 |
回答 |
Q1.學校多益是否可多次數舉辦,一個學期一次有點少 |
學校語言中心每年會辦理4場校園多益考試(上學期1場、暑期1場、下學期2場),報名費約新台幣1150元整,如有需要額外場次可至校外自行報名。 場次資訊詳閱語言中心(線上報名):線上報名連結 |
Q1.How many on-campus TOEIC tests are there every year? |
The Language Center holds a total of 4 TOEIC tests annually – 1 in the first semester, 1 in the summer and 2 in the second semester. The registration fee is NT$1,150. Students may also take TOEIC test held by other organizations anytime in the year. |
Q2.因學生出席國際會議,學校不補助生活費,以致印巴學生多以多益當畢業門檻。學校是否考慮碩士恢復全額補助國際會議? |
學生參加國際會議已有補助註冊報名費以及機票費用,生活費並不在補助範圍詳細辦法請參閱 : 學生出國參加國際學術活動補助辦法: 材料工程系 碩士班研究生(含預研生)出國參加國際學術活動補助辦法: |
Q2.Is there any subsidy for postgraduate students attending academic conferences abroad? |
The University and the department provide subsidy on the cost of registration and air ticket related to the conference on a case-by-case basis. For details on applying for subsidy please refer to the following Documents: |
Q3.詢問系上研究生畢業門檻 |
1. 畢業學分下限為27學分(不含論文 6 學分),每學期修課上限為 17學分,開課人數最低為 5 人。 2. 必修科目6學分;選修科目21學分(經指導教授簽名同意,跨外系或外校選修至多列計6學分);合計27學分。 3. 非材料背景之學生,高等材料科學列為畢業門檻。(需取得學分) 4. 僑生與外籍生須修畢本系碩士班必修學分。選修學分採計範圍除本系碩士班外, 另包含各系之國際碩士學分(學位)學程課程,但外系課程以不超過15學分為原則。其中跨院之課程至多採計6學分。
詳細辦法參閱材料工程系 碩士班修業辦法: |
Q3.What are the mandatory requirements to graduate in a postgraduate degree? |
Q4.外籍生預口試(論文計畫審查)辦法? |
碩士生論文計畫審查依下列規定辦理: 一、碩士生於碩一下學期及以後得申請論文計畫審查。 二、論文計畫審查委員3至5人,校外委員至少1名。指導教授為當然委員,但不得擔任召集人。 三、論文計畫審查委員之遴聘,由系主任徵詢指導教授意見後決定。 四、論文計畫審查由碩士生提出申請(表號:A180070314),以口試方式安排於適當時間進行, 並於論文計畫審查前提供審查委員紙本計畫書各1份。 五、論文計畫審查申請時,必須繳交「學術研究倫理教育課程取得至少6小時之修課證明」、 「論文相似度比對報告低於30%」,及「無違反學術倫理聲明書」(請參考本校博碩士學位考試實施辦法) 六、論文計畫審查口試須對全系開放,全體師生均可參加。 七、「修讀「雙聯學位」碩士生,若規劃以「專業實務報告」取得學位者 ,得免進行論文計畫審查。」
詳細辦法參閱材料工程系 碩士班修業辦法 : |
Q4.How do I apply for a thesis oral defense? |
Master’s degree candidates may apply for their thesis oral defense as early as the 2nd semester of their first-year study. Application periods are as follow:
1st semester: 15 NOV – 15 DEC 2nd semester: 1 MAY – 31 MAY
Along with your application form (A180070314) please also submit the following documents:
An exam committee of 3 to 5 examiners will be invited by the department once the application has been accepted. Please refer to for detail: |
Q5.外藉生是否也有英文門檻? |
照一般學生辦理英文多益成績達550分以上(含其他相同等級之英文檢定成績),需附英文考試成績單。 英文多益成績未達550分者,需附英文考試成績單和已參與國際會議口頭報告證明。 詳細辦法參閱材料工程系 碩士班修業辦法 : |
Q5.Does the graduation requirement on English proficiency apply to international students? |
Yes, it applies to all postgraduate students. Either scoring 550 in TOEIC (or equivalent) or giving an oral presentation in an international conference is required for graduation. |
Q6.系上是否有獎學金給外籍生,如何申請。 |
材料系並無另外編列給外籍生的獎學金,依照國際事務處-境外學生獎助學金實施辦法,連結如: |
Q6.What grants are available for international students? |
The Office of International Affairs (OIA) will provide conditional grants for non-local students. Please refer to the following link for detail: |
Q7.秋季及春季入學在修課是否有限制? |
1. 畢業學分下限為27學分(不含論文 6 學分),每學期修課上限為 17學分,開課人數最低為 5 人。 2. 必修科目6學分;選修科目21學分(經指導教授簽名同意,跨外系或外校選修至多列計6學分);合計27學分。 3. 非材料背景之學生,高等材料科學列為畢業門檻。(需取得學分) 4. 僑生與外籍生須修畢本系碩士班必修學分。選修學分採計範圍除本系碩士班外,另包含各系之國際碩士學分(學位)學程課程,但外系課程以不超過15學分為原則。其中跨院之課程至多採計6學分。
詳細辦法參閱材料工程系 碩士班修業辦法: |
Q7.Is there a difference in course requirements between the Fall and Spring enrollment? |
The same graduation requirements will apply. Students should be reminded that certain courses are only available once per year. |
Q8.每學期的安全教育訓練是否能增加英文版本? |
環安室每年大約10月左右,都會舉辦一梯專為外籍師生舉辦的全英文安全衛生訓練課程,屆時歡迎外籍師生踴躍參加。 |
Q8.Is there a safety training offered in English? |
The Office of Environmental Protection, Occupational Safety and Hygiene (DESH) will hold a laboratory safety training conducted in English in October of every year for foreign teachers and students. |
Q9.系上儀器相關資訊及考試等是否有英文版本。 |
儀器證照考試內容是以英文出題。相關的儀器使用規範的英文版本已在準備中,會隨時更新並告知外籍生。 |
Q9.Is there an English version available for user test and instructions of scientific equipment? |
The English version of manuals and tests are under preparation and will be announced to foreign students once they are ready. |
Q10.是否有公用的廚房提供給外籍生使用 |
國際宿舍內有公用的廚房,國際事務處旁也有公用的廚房,須遵守相關使用規定。 |
Q10.Is there a public kitchen available in the dormitory for international students? |
Kitchens are located in both the common area of the international dormitory and next to the OIA. Users must comply with the conduct. |