【考試資訊】113學年度第1學期期中考會考科目暨相關資訊說明 2024 Fall Semester Unified Mid-term Examinations
最後更新日期 :
- 除會考科目及申請免考試科目外,請任課教師於原上課時段/教室安排期末考試,考試時間以80分鐘為原則,並應公告予全班學生知悉。
- 免考試科目於期末考期間應正常上課,巡堂/巡考作業仍正常執行。
- 課程因故無法於原時段或原教室進行考試時,請任課教師循調補課程序於一週前完成課程異動申請,並公告予全班學生知悉;調課時段不限於期中考期間內,但須避免學生衝堂並於成績繳交截止日前完成成績登錄。
- 任課教師執行監考工作時,應避免從事閱讀、使用電腦或批閱考卷等與監考無關之事項,以維護考試公平。
- 考試若採開書方式進行,亦存有考生作弊之可能,仍請任課教師正常監考,避免從事與監考無關之事項。
- 本次考試會考科目如附件。
2024 Fall Semester Unified Mid-term Examinations
- In addition to the subjects for comprehensive assessment and the subjects for which exemption from the examination has been applied, the subject teacher should schedule the final exams during the original class time and in the same classroom. The exam duration should be approximately 80 minutes and must be announced to all students
- Subjects for which exemption from the examination has been granted should conduct regular classes during the final examination period, and proctoring/supervision tasks should proceed as usual.
- If due to unforeseen circumstances, a class cannot be held at its original time or in its original classroom during the examination period, the subject teacher should follow the course adjustment procedure and submit the request for schedule change at least one week in advance. This schedule change should be announced to all students. The rescheduled class can be held outside of the midterm examination period, but it should be scheduled to avoid timetable conflicts for students, and the grades should be recorded before the grade submission deadline.
- When performing the proctoring duties, subject teachers should refrain from engaging in activities unrelated to the examination, such as reading, using a computer, or grading papers, in order to maintain the fairness of the examination.
- If an open-book examination is conducted, there is still a possibility of cheating by students. Therefore, subject teachers should proctor the examination as usual and avoid engaging in activities unrelated to proctoring duties.
- The subjects for the comprehensive assessment for this examination are listed in the attachment.