
馬來西亞國際伊斯蘭大學 (IIUM)至明志科大拜訪交流

最後更新日期 : 2024-06-28

本週6/25(二)至6/27(四),我們邀請馬來西亞國際伊斯蘭大學的製造與材料工程系 (Department of Manufacturing & Materials Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia ,IIUM) 的五位教師至明志科大拜訪,並透過舉辦研討會讓兩邊教師更了解彼此。



This week, from 6/25(Tue) to 6/27(Thu), we invited five teachers from the Department of Manufacturing & Materials Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) to visit MUST .

And we organized a workshop for the teachers to get to know each other better.

We would like to thank all the teachers for their active participation and wonderful speeches. We believe that the better understanding of each other will lay a better foundation for our long-term cooperation.
